
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A day in the life

of Your's Truly, Cinderella. :)

Ok, so this is not all I do in a day, but this is a pretty clear picture of what you could expect of me on any given day as of late.

I wake up and tend to my baby girl. Sit around in pain with my back, (saw dr today and hopefully by next week will have some answers). Normally you would include housework here but I hurt.

Some friends gave Sweetpea some hand me downs, and I am so grateful! Thanks so much Cathy and Hannah!!! Look at the amount!! There are so many that I am in love with- ah it was like Christmas! I now need to get all this hung up... where are those singing/talking mice...

Moving on. I love reading blogs, writing blog posts, and crafting. Sweetpea and my camera are never far away.
We are not Florida fans per say, but Sweetpea's lawyer is. Our same friends sent this outfit along with all the others! {Do y'all want this one back?} I will be using this and other pics from this shoot for a thank you for him when we finalize her adoption. Date TBD. UGH!
I saw these flip flops at Hobby Lobby of course. This project was so easy it seems silly to even post on here. I just bought the shoes, the embellishments, ($6 total), and grabbed my glue gun- voila!

Yes, my Cricut! I bought vinyl to make a sticker for my car, but I needed to test it first so I decorated my Cricut and...
My computer. This is not my computer that has photoshop on it, so if you are waiting for me to beautify your blog, sorry, but you will have to wait a little longer. :/

Some blogs that have spoken to me today are these:

THIS BLOG is so convicting for a picky eater like me. Well, convicting to any of us really. Any of us that has food.

THIS BLOG is so inspiring to an adoptive mommy like me waiting to begin her next adoption. (scroll to the bottom of her blog to see what her 4 year old had to say...)

THIS BLOG is uplifting to a wretched sinner like me saved by His grace!

Other than that, my day is spent loving my husband, my baby, chasing my dog and loving God. I live a "boring" life, but I love it. Now, once I get my back fixed hopefully I will have a few more things to add to this list. :)

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