
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Great Nipple Wars of 2011

Wow, I just lost/gained a handful of immature readers! lol

Before Sweetpea entered the hospital, she was almost completely off her bottle and onto sippy cups. I only give her her paci at naptime and bedtime, but that changed in the hospital too. In the hospital, she had her paci at all times, and only drank out of a bottle.

When we got home from the hospital she went back to only having her paci and naptime and bedtime with ease. She has never been super attached to it, but I'll get to that in a minute. Her sippy cup is another story. I have at least 5 different brands of sippy cups, and she is only a fan of one so far. I use the term fan loosely- she puts up with it. If she is bored/thirsty enough she'll drink out of it.

Before the hospital I was planing on taking her paci away. Since she is not super attached to it, (and at the time only had 2 teeth), I decided to take it away from her before she DID get attached to it. Fast forward to last night, (and 5 1/2 teeth and two more about to break through). We were walking to her room, and on a whim I ran in and hid her paci. We put her to bed as usual, (we play our kissing game- she kisses Daddy then turns to kiss Mommy then back and forth, back and forth. Then we pray over her, Daddy says goodnight and leaves, and then Mommy cuddles with her for a total of 30 seconds, puts her down and leaves the room. We do not rock her until she falls asleep, we want her to learn to fall asleep on her own, and she has become a champ at doing this!).

She started a fake cry about one minute after I closed the door. After about 10 minutes of fake crying and few real tears, she was asleep! Paci Battle 1 won by Mommy!

I was a little nervous at how this morning would go. You see, I have a confession to make that will make all other mommies really, really jealous.

Sweetpea is an amazingly happy, content baby. I get to sleep in as late as I want most mornings. I woke up this morning at 10:18 to be exact. I was worried I would wake up to her crying around 8, but nope!! I woke up at 10:18 on my own accord and decided it was time to get up! lol After brushing my teeth, etc, I heard her crying on the monitor, (which never happens so I assumed it was because she had no paci). As I was walking to get her I heard someone mowing their grass, which explains her crying- she hates lawn mowers and always cries if she hears then while in bed.

I walked into her room and found her like this:
She mastered coming up to sit months ago, (remember the video I posted), but after that she kinda quit doing it. Until today. :)
How in the world did she come up to sit with her braces on? lol (she had clubbed feet as well, so she has to wear these at night and naptime until she is 4 years old).

Paci Battle 2 won by Mommy again! Paci Battle 3 will take place today at naptime, but seeing as I was victorious twice, I do not see a problem winning again. Praise God for such a happy baby! These Paci Battles haven't been battles at all, really.

Bottle Battle is another story. She always has her milky in a bottle and watered down juice in her sippy cup. This morning she was not having a sippy cup for her milky! No way! So I gave her back her bottle and decided to take it slower- her nightime milky will be in her sippy cup. Bottle Battle 1 won by Sweetpea. Honestly, though, Mommy was just getting to cocky this morning- I should have known that the harder battle would be the bottle! lol

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