
Friday, April 29, 2011

On This Day in History

Today may be the day when Wills married his Kate, but to us Keierlebers it is even more special. 6 months ago today our lives changed forever. 6 months ago today we welcomed Sweetpea Beauty into our home. 6 months ago today was Sweetpea's Gotcha Day. 6 months ago today we became a family. She has changed so much over the last 6 months. It has been a joy watching her grow and change.

Today also marks the day of being our magic day. What is a magic day you ask? 6 months to the day of placement, (Gotcha Day), we can adopt her. Magic indeed! OK STATE OF TEXAS COURTS, I'M TALKING TO YOU NOW! It has been 6 months- let's get this show on the road!

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