
Friday, July 29, 2011

Home Stretch

*You are invited to Sweetpea's adoption party August 13th! If you wish to attend just let me know and I will get you the info!!*

A few weeks ago I debuted this mini-photoshoot of a dear preggo friend, and today exactly one month before the big day, I got to do their “official” shoot. You may remember them from last September and this shoot, (C/B: can y’all believe it was almost a year ago!?)

Before I get to that, they also gifted me with a mini-shoot of my own. In her mini-shoot, I took pics of her in a field of what would bloom to be cotton. I am in love with cotton in bloom. It just looks so cool! So, for the last while I have been dreaming of getting our shots in that field! At the shoot today they took pics of us in the field, (as well as at another site where I did some pics for them). All of these pics were not on my camera, and I will not get them until Sunday, (no patience here!!), but I thought you would like to see a sneak peek from my camera, (I got just a handful).So, yes, she is crying, (cried the whole time), but how beautiful is this shot?! The colors, the sky, the clouds, the cotton, the flowers, her dress, (which I made)- I love it all! I will be returning soon with my BFF to get some more and hopefully Ms. Beauty will not cry.

I am an amateur photographer. Visit my business blog here. Disclaimer: I love to add artwork like below, but when I give you your disc, I also include the originals so if you are not a fan of the artwork, you do not have to keep it. :)

One last thing before we get to the pics, Brooke is 8 months pregnant, (exactly one month from her due date today), and look how tiny she is!! Please do not send her hate mail- it is not her fault God gifted her in that way! ;)

Without any further adieu:

If you couldn't tell, this family is a blast to photograph. I love this pic- every family member gets a circle. :)
It is safe to say that both have to really try to look pregnant. lol Told you they were fun!
They are waiting to reveal his name when he is born. Their loss, cause how cute could this be with his name... ;) (j/k guys- I just can't wait to meet him and know his name!)

I am not the biggest fan of B&W pics, but this one looked so nice in it...

These next two are so beautiful they hurt me. They are the same shot, one in B&W... I couldn't pick which one I liked better so I posted both....

They came to visit us in the hospital this last go round, and were there when we got released, so we got to go to dinner with them that night. Fun! :)

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