
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Shoe Lust

Sunday we went to the mall and I saw these new Toms and fell in love. I considered buying them but decided to wait. Then all I could think about was those shoes. When I was making my bday wish list on Tuesday, (I never finished because we got word of Sweetpea's adoption), I looked to add these. They were not online. Hmmm...

Today we went to get them and there was only one pair left! Thankfully it was my size! I was excited and mentioned it to the sales girl and she corrected me: they weren't the last pair at the store, they are the last pair in the company (so maybe that's why they weren't online?)!

They also make this style in black and red and I want both! Now I already have black glitter ones, but I would settle for the red. ;) Needless to say at the news of how coveted my white ones were, it increased my lust for the red ones! Oops!

I just couldn't resist the lacey/crocheted look of these shoes! Be sure to check out the Toms website if you are unfamiliar with this stylish charity. :)
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