
Friday, September 30, 2011

180 the movie

CHECK THIS MOVIE OUT! It is only 30 minutes long...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Before and After the Patch

Living in the same neighborhood as your bff has major perks. :) Here are some cute pics of the babies from a few weeks ago:
Sweetpea wants a hug and that excited Nate...
...until she made contact! lol
She loves to touch babies with the tip of her finger. :)

Nater Tot was all smiles before the pumpkin pics so I grabbed the camera! How awesome is this?!

While I was setting up the photo backdrop, the babies were cuddling and kissing ;)
"Nathan, you need to look right at that light to get a good picture."

After the pumpkins:
Nathan: "Yum, there is some pumpkin left on my leg!" Sweetpea: "Umm, there is some on your ear too Nay!"
Real men wear pink
"Get that finger out of your mouth, Nay!" {I tell Sweetpea this on a daily basis, so she decided she needed to tell Nay the same thing} ;)

Behind the Scenes {Pumpkin Patch Photoshop}

For today's behind the scenes, I am going to show you two pics from Tuesday, and how they looked originally...

Photo 1:
Sweet Nathan at 4.5 mths old sitting all alone...
The original... I had to take out Mama, the big pumpkin and that flower. I had to add some hay and some fence. And obviously I added more artwork to the look of the photo.

Photo 2:

As we saw, Nater Tot is only 4.5 mths so he is not able to sit on his own, but with technology...

I took out Mama, the flower and had to add hay, fence and grass. And obviously, I added a little more art work :)

Praise God for giving someone the idea and ability to create Photoshop. :) Love technology!

Need a photographer? I'm your girl. :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Kids

Fun photoshoot with the BFF today- will let the pics do the talkin'...
LOVE this pic of our babies!! Bolt decided to jump in on this one, but it is perfect! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our FIVE year old BOLT! We love him way more than we probably should! :)
Sweet Sweetpea
Nate the Great Conquering the Grass. ;)
Eeek! Babycakes and a pupmkin ♥
Oh yes, we went there! :)
Someone refused to smile for awhile...
So I asked her to do her eyes... that she obliged. Silly girl!
love this one so much! Bolt HAD to be in it! lol He was not placed there by us! :) I would have loved to put Bolt in a pumpkin too, but PETA may have come a callin'...
I cropped the above pic because Nay Nay looked so cute he needed his own pic!
Before you begin teasing us about child abuse- let this pic show that they DID enjoy themselves!!
Sweetpea: "Aunt Elise, Nathan is eating his pumpkin!" Nathan: "ugh, girls and their tattling!"

Sweet Pumpkin Friends/Cousins

Take Five! ahhh! Everyone's losing it!

HANDS DOWN, my fav from the day, and one of my fav pics of all time!
Sweetpea goin' in for kisses ♥
Does that taste good, Nater Tot?
Blessings indeed! Thank You God!
Isn't this precious?! Chowin' Down!
Nathan: "Quick, my mom's not lookin', I promise you'll love it." Sweetpea: "oh, boys, ugh." ;)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Meet Nemo

When Mr. Incredible and I went to San Antonio 3 weeks ago, we left Sweetpea with her former foster mom. We love her, Sweetpea loves her, and of course, the feeling is mutual. :)

She sent me some pics and they just tickled me, so I HAVE to share them with you. First I will show you some other pics of Sweetpea and Nemo together...

Here is a pic when the babies were in the foster house together, (about a year ago). Nemo LOVES kissing his "sister." I fell in love with him when I first saw him, but when I saw them together a few days later- well he became irresistible. :) They love each other!

Here are the babies last Halloween. They were both "monsters."

Kissing monsters
Going in for the kiss last November, (notice a trend?). ;)

Adorableness last November :) Honestly, how beautiful is he? :)

Passing on Nemo was so difficult, until we heard he was going to a home that truly loves him. I am so happy that he will be going home, (possibly before Ocotber), but I must be honest. Seeing these next few pics the first time did make me a little bummed thinking about what could have been, but at the same time, I know God is sovereign and Nemo is going to a great home. :)
Playing together
Nemo used to be the one who went in for the kiss- now Sweetpea does :)
Givin' Nemo "pat pats."
This gives me baby fever, (so Sweetpea can have a playmate)...more news on that front later. ;)
This one tickles me so! LOVE this pic!

How stinkin' sweet?!

They missed the mark a bit- so cute!

Kissing Flip Book:

These are Sweetpea's foster brothers. God works in mysterious ways- HA! You have NO idea! January 2009, we decided to pursue an adoption of twin boys. Their foster mom decided to adopt them. We were disappointed for a total of 5 seconds, but we were fine knowing they were her sons, not ours. In August 2010 I found out about Sweetpea... from their mother!

Sweetpea loves her foster brothers!

How gorgeous is he?! Please join me in praying for his future! You'll be missed sweet boy, but I know you will be loved! :)