
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Kids

Fun photoshoot with the BFF today- will let the pics do the talkin'...
LOVE this pic of our babies!! Bolt decided to jump in on this one, but it is perfect! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our FIVE year old BOLT! We love him way more than we probably should! :)
Sweet Sweetpea
Nate the Great Conquering the Grass. ;)
Eeek! Babycakes and a pupmkin ♥
Oh yes, we went there! :)
Someone refused to smile for awhile...
So I asked her to do her eyes... that she obliged. Silly girl!
love this one so much! Bolt HAD to be in it! lol He was not placed there by us! :) I would have loved to put Bolt in a pumpkin too, but PETA may have come a callin'...
I cropped the above pic because Nay Nay looked so cute he needed his own pic!
Before you begin teasing us about child abuse- let this pic show that they DID enjoy themselves!!
Sweetpea: "Aunt Elise, Nathan is eating his pumpkin!" Nathan: "ugh, girls and their tattling!"

Sweet Pumpkin Friends/Cousins

Take Five! ahhh! Everyone's losing it!

HANDS DOWN, my fav from the day, and one of my fav pics of all time!
Sweetpea goin' in for kisses ♥
Does that taste good, Nater Tot?
Blessings indeed! Thank You God!
Isn't this precious?! Chowin' Down!
Nathan: "Quick, my mom's not lookin', I promise you'll love it." Sweetpea: "oh, boys, ugh." ;)


  1. Oh my goodness...cracking up at some of her expressions :)

  2. Those pictures are absolutely adorable!!! Great picture ideas and it helps that you had 2 beautiful babies to photograph! :)
