
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Behind the Scenes {Pumpkin Patch Photoshop}

For today's behind the scenes, I am going to show you two pics from Tuesday, and how they looked originally...

Photo 1:
Sweet Nathan at 4.5 mths old sitting all alone...
The original... I had to take out Mama, the big pumpkin and that flower. I had to add some hay and some fence. And obviously I added more artwork to the look of the photo.

Photo 2:

As we saw, Nater Tot is only 4.5 mths so he is not able to sit on his own, but with technology...

I took out Mama, the flower and had to add hay, fence and grass. And obviously, I added a little more art work :)

Praise God for giving someone the idea and ability to create Photoshop. :) Love technology!

Need a photographer? I'm your girl. :)

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