
Monday, September 19, 2011

Princess Wishes

I so desire to blog every day, but either I do not turn on my computer, my computer CRAWLS, or I just don't have the energy to type! HA! Bummer!

Not to mention the task of uploading pics onto my computer is more than daunting. In the mean time...

It is mid September- almost 3 months till Christmas, less than 3 months till Sweetpea's 2nd birthday and almost a month away from Sweetpea's (1st) Gotcha Day Anniversary.

So many reasons for presents for our little girl. The second half of this post is really for her grandparents, but when you get your invite for her party this post may give you an idea as to what Sweetpea would like as a gift, or this post can just give you ideas of what to buy YOUR little girl. :)

This is not an exaustive list by any means, just to give you ideas :) Before the list, here are some pics from the last month of Sweetpea with some of her newest additions, (thanks to gifts/gift cards from friends and family!).

PS if you didn't know that I have a slight obsession with all things Disney Princess, well...

Annie was so smitten with her "twin" princesses that she loved on that box all throughout the store. They are 6 in versions of baby princess Tiana and Aurora. She still needs 6 in baby Cinderella and Belle. :) When I found these babies you would have I won the lottery! Ha!
All princesses are ceremonially decrowned when they enter our home. "I am the only true princess here," declares Sweetpea Beauty. ;)

The babies came with mini bottles, here she is feeding Aurora :)
After buying some of her babies, I was at Target and saw a Belle for the bathtub! I HAD to get her a Tiana. Literally ran to a few stores before I found this one, (it wasn't available online yet!).
Honestly, though, she prefers her baby out of the water- she LOVES to play with the tub! lol
Sweetpea with the baby that started it all. As you can see, one of our friends at church got her some glasses! How sweet! Thanks again Julie!
This was weeks ago- her (then) collection of Disney princess products. The drum came in a set, (tambourines, drum, maracas etc). I had been wanting to get her a drum set and was ecstatic to find a Disney set. :) She loves it. See also the books- they make music. She does not like the books where you press a button to make sound to go along with the story, but she loves these that will play a song that you can sing along with! Note: they are not easy to find!
How cute is this?! This will really come in handy when Sweetpea starts walking. :)
Baby princesses ♥

This was just a few days ago, (her hair was still done). Every time I tell her to kiss her babies she just hugs them. Well..
goin' in for the kiss- look at those teeth! ♥
Look at my baby, Mommy! (notice her shirt- Gymboree will appear a little later) :)
She loves her babies, though I think this one may be her favorite, (thanks to her PT Melanie) :)
More kisses for Tiana :)

I don't know what I did to make her laugh in these next two but commence swooning now:

The other day I received another gift card, so I bought her this playpen, the Belle baby, and something you will see in a minute. Her Nana Nell bought her the Cinderella baby. :)
Notice the playpen picture behind them. Not planned, but pretty cool :) oh and this was obviously before she decrowned her newest princesses! lol
I knew this would be good for her to play with and a good place to store her babies. I was so right. She loves to put them all to sleep, but she refuses to say "night night" to any of them except the soft Tiana from her PT, (told you it was her favorite!). lol

Y'all! She just saw the above pic as I was typing and said, "night night." Oh be still my heart! Smart baby girl! :)

With the gift card, I also bought her this toddler Tiana. They make other clothes for her, (add to wish list!). :) She LOVES taking off and putting back on those shoes! She likes to try to put them on her own feet as well. :)

Now onto the official wish list portion of this post:
As you saw, Sweetpea has baby Cinderella, Tiana, and Belle. She needs Aurora. (no she does not have to have this one with the carrier, but I couldn't find a pic of her without it). :)
Ok, so Sweetpea may be a little young for this, but I am worried by the time she is old enough they will have stopped making it. It is to die for!! If you are a princess fan, you will notice all the details pertaining to the different princesses. For this house, Sweetpea will need some new princesses. They make Barbie like versions of the dolls for about $10 at Walmart and Target... (if you haven't noticed), the only princesses I want for her are Tiana, Aurora(aka Sleeping Beauty), Belle and Cinderella. I have my reasons. :)
As you saw, she already has the Tiana... replace the pic of Ariel with Belle and you have the complete set that I want to get for her, (in other words, she needs the soft version of Belle, Cinderella, and Aurora).

All of these items can be purchased at Target or Walmart.

This next set can be purchased at your local Christian store or online at
Every little girl needs a back pack :)
She is getting some Crocs soon to go over her walking braces, (look for a post about those the first week of October). She NEEDS the Sweetpea Beauty Jibbit :) Oh, and the other Disney princesses wouldn't hurt either ;)
She has a Sweetpea Beauty doll, (that she loves! thanks Nana Nell!), but she needs the prince. ;) When she saw this at the store she called him a banana! LOL
From one of the creators of Veggie Tales comes this video series. We have Vol 1 and it is fabulous! We would like these to complete the set!
Sweetpea Beauty play castle. The Disney princess castle may be a little too big, (but still definitely wanted), this castle is perfect for her!

Remember how I pointed out her shirt was from Gymboree? I think, hands down, that is my favorite brand for kids clothes! Here are a few ideas of clothes I would buy for her... like I said, just as an idea! :)

oh my! LOVE THIS! SO painfully cute!

With the gift card that I used to buy some of the princesses, I almost used it to buy this but changed my mind...

Love this face/hair with...
this out fit :)

Oops, how did these get here? ;)
As you may have noticed, I got these in black last week. I love this color too! (size 10 please)
These are seriously 10 times cuter in person, and I had such a struggle not buying them when I saw them. Y'all- the MOST comfortable shoe I have EVER worn! I want the above boots, but I NEED these! :) (size 10 as well)

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