
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Proud Sister

I was on facebook today and felt compelled to go to my sister's page. Next month will be 5 years since she went to heaven. I mourned heavily for 3 days after her death because I was not sure that she knew Jesus. God revealed to me she in fact was saved, and in turn my mourning turned into grief, (there is a difference). In the past 5 years, satan had tried hard to discredit our Lord and make me question her salvation. Well, God gave me a gift on facebook today:

From a friend of her's named Jawsh:

Every year as October nears I get depressed and this song wont leave my head. Tracie Lynn Hester words will never be able to do how much you meant and how greatful I am to you for introducing me to the idea that Jesus wanted a relationship and not just for me to go through the motion and attend church, I can hardly believe how many years you've been gone now with our Savior. I miss you immensely and wish you could see the fruit that the seed you planted has produced

(Rascal Flatts Bless the Broken Road)

Thanks Jawsh and praise Jesus!

I love my sister, yes I do!
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1 comment:

  1. Oh friend...
    I'm sorry for your hurting heart.
    I know that those "specific dates" resurface so many emotions.
    What a precious gift from God in that message of FB.
    Thankful you saw that...
