
Friday, October 21, 2011

Flashback Friday

My uncle posted this to his facebook yesterday and it made me cry. :)

Qaddafi is dead!!! I remember almost 25 years ago a day that still brings tears to my eyes. We were at the airport awaiting my Brother-in-law Tom Hester coming home from being near LIBYA helping fight off Qaddafi. We all lined the walls of the airport with Apple IIe banners portraying our disdain for Libya and "welcome home" signs for Tom. But what really stands out is that he hadn't met his daughter Tricia Keierleber yet. I'll never forget his expression as he hugged his first baby girl for the first time. A mixed expression of joy and pride that was unmatched until nearly 4 years later when he announced from the hospital room, "It's a boy!"

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