
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Twenty Year Gift

Back in July, I watched our pastor's children while they were out of town- performing a wedding and celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary! Their daughter wanted to get them a gift, so we began our quest. We began collecting images from the last 20+ years and considered a scrapbook- but that is pretty costly and time consuming. So we thought of a collage, then I thought of this:In the 2 yo will find pictures from their courtship, engagement, wedding, and newlywed years. In the 0 you will find the later years. :) {with flash}
On Pinterest, I have seen many collages like this one, but I thought of it all on my own, well before I ever joined Pinterest. (Yes, I feel that is necessary to say that! lol I have copied from Pinterest, but when I think of something without help from that addictive site, I feel creative. lol) Their daughter helped me make this... getting the pictures together, copying them, cutting them out, painting the canvas- took forever! She also cut out the bottom scroll by hand! I didn't have the deep cut blade for the Cricut yet so she had to help out the scroll! {without flash}

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  1. What a cool idea! I'll have to remember this for my parent's anniversary next year. And Pinterest?! Was it here where I talked about only having just discovered it? well, whatever- it is so fun AND DANGEROUS for my time!!!! ;)

    Your comment about the baby made me giggle- he is quite...large- we love it :) We were out when he was about a week old and a stranger stopped to chat for a moment and was startled to hear how young he was- she was assuming he was 2 months old- hehe!!!!

  2. Really cute! I love the memories they will remember when looking at it :)
