
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2 years ago...

I have a thing for dates. Don't ask me how I remember most of them, I just do. 2 years ago today, I babysat Woody and Buzz for the first time. I took a cell phone pic and sent it to PK with a caption that read, "our sons?" I knew right away they were special.
A few days/a week later, we got to watch them for a week while their foster family went out of town for spring break.
We knew we'd adopt them after that. They were our sons.
When they left after that first week I mourned. They were just 20 minutes away and I could visit them whenever I wanted, but I missed them deeply! Going from a 3 year old and 5 year old to a silent house is a huge differnce- a big gaping hole. In the waiting period, we were at Double Dave's for lunch. It was about 45 minutes from our house, and about 20 minutes from where Woody and Buzz were living. It was not likely that we would run into them there.
Imagine my excitement when they walked in. Imagine my elation when they walked up and sat at our table. Their foster family apologized. Obvioulsy we were not sorry, and I asked if they could eat with us. So, Woody and Buzz ate with us while their foster family ate a table away.
Another time, their foster mom told me that Buzz would wake up crying in the middle of the night calling for me. Not his mom. Not his foster mom. Me.
Another time she mom told me that one day Woody asked out right if he could live with me.
It was little moments like that that I cherish. These sweet boys were our sons. From March until July. They should still be with us. I know Romans 8:28, but the way it all ended was just wrong. It is amazing that it has been 2 years. They were 3 and 5, now they are 5 and 7. UNBELIVABLE. Man I miss them.
Click here, here and here to see a few posts about our boys.

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