
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Workday Wednesday

I have been busy busy busy. Yesterday I began fixing up the kitchen and painting Sweetpea's room. On my agenda today: finish the kitchen and Sweetpea's room, (wasn't able to finish either because I needed a ladder- check!;)), strip the wallpaper/paint the dining room, paint the hallway, and MAYBE rip up the carpet in both Sweetpea and Briar Rose's room. I am definitely enjoying myself. I'm sick, I know. ;) I would be there now, but Mr. Incredible insisted I not stay there alone tonight. He wants me safe, I can't really complain. He loves me well! :)
Here is Sweetpea posing in the square in between the playroom and the kitchen this past weekend. :)
Oh, and today is 1 month until our 5th anniversary! :)

1 comment:

  1. even though you didn't get anything "finished" you still AMAZE me with how much you can accomplish in one day with a toddler. I sometimes look back and wonder if I accomplished anything in a day with Elle (besides obviously feeding, cleaning, and playing with her etc). You are seriously wonder woman! By the way, love watching from afar all the projects you are taking on...and being debt free is totally worth the sacrifice!!
