
Friday, April 6, 2012

Crazy Amazing

God is crazy amazing! Y'all, I can't even describe it!

We have hit a few snags with this house, (notice my lack of house posts?). Today we hit a large one that has the possibility of affecting Briar Roses's adoption. Obviously I got upset.

The first thing I thought to do was to text my friend, Linny, (met through the blog world). :)

I felt silly texting her for this. She is a mom of many and so understandably has her hands full. I thought about emailing her, but felt silly too. Finally I ended that internal struggle and emailed her.

I expected her to read it, pray for us, and maybe email me back.

Imagine my excitement when she called me!

She then goes on to tell me that at lunch earlier, God put it on her heart to pray for ME! She was planning on calling me, and then she got my email!

We talked for a good while and she ministered to my heart. I truly cherish her!

Do y'all get how amazing this is?!

I debated letting her know about my troubled heart. At the same time I was debating, God took the reigns and told her on my behalf! I'm completely blown away!

I couldn't even get up the nerve to ask for her prayer, and God did it for me!

I am in awe and strangely at peace. I'm still not ok with the thought of postponing the adoption, (its not official yet what will happen), but I know God has big plans for us! Linny said that and I know that, (Romans 8:28 if my fav!), but to have God intervene on my behalf with the one person who I wanted to talk to...

Do y'all see what an awesome blessing this was!?

The God that holds the WHOLE UNIVERSE together, cared enough to make sure I was prayed for today. Even when I wasn't sure it was important enough for prayer, He knew! I was upset, but He knew that I was more upset than I even knew!

Wow! All I can say is wow!

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