
Saturday, April 7, 2012

High Five!

Five years ago today, Mr. Incredible and I became one! Just like this anniversary, our wedding fell on Easter weekend. :)

It has been a blessed five years and unless the Lord calls one of us home, there will be many many many more to come!

We are working on our house today, (what must be done must be done!). BUT, Lord willing, this summer Mr. Incredible and I will take a kids free trip to celebrate our anniversary!

Hey, we were married in April, honeymooned in August, so its only fitting to wait to celebrate, right? ;)

I've been wanting a family necklace for awhile now, and since we've postponed my anniversary gift, (a new, professional camera!), because of the house, Mr. Incredible was going to buy me one. Instead, I had him buy me the supplies to make my own! Oh, I'm dangerous now! :) It may be hard to read but from top to bottom my necklace reads: "orphans, Jesus, Annie & Bristol, Paul 2007 Tricia." In hind sight I would have put Jesus on top, but my plan was to say "live for Jesus" so I needed the larger disc.

I'm considering selling these, I've already made 6 necklaces in different designs. This is the only one I made with 4 discs. What cha think? (I have better pics of the necklace, this pic is from my phone-still no internet! I promise the silver discs are clear as day- the flash just makes them illegible).

To my truly INCREDIBLE husband, I love you more now than I ever have and I ever thought possible! I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else!


  1. Wow Tasha!!! I LOVE the necklace!!! You are SO crafty! Let me know when you're ready to start selling them, I may have a few orders for you :)

  2. Happy Anniversary too!!! Ours is this week :). God has blessed us beyond measure with the most incredible husbands (and they happen to be phenomenal Daddy's too). Love you guys!
