
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Hate Minky

The state of Texas does not allow bumpers, or pillows, or stuffed animals-really anything- in the crib along with your baby.

Since Annie is no longer a baby, (and she's no longer a concern of the state), :) I can load up her crib with anything. :)

She's 2 and a half-most kids get transitioned to a big kids bed. Well, she's the size of a one year old and can't walk. I do not foresee a transition anytime soon.

I just bought her a new crib, and decided to make bumpers for it myself. I followed no pattern- I just winged it.

Please excuse the less than stellar pics. Once I get internet at this house, I'll do an official post with nice pics. For now, her are some cell phone pics to hold you over. ;)

*though it's hard to see, the reds do match- her sheets are red gingham, (I bought them and it looked like a larger gingham online-boo!), so in this pic they look lighter.

*I hate minky fabric. I've never used it before, and I don't plan to use it again! It's a pain!

*I bought the yellow quilt from 100%.of the proceeds from this quilt, (and all the other crafts on that site) go towards feeding orphans!