
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Spoiled (not so) Rotten

Right before her hospital stint, my Mom and sis sent Annie a package filled with Minnie, Belle, Tiana and lollipops. Filled I tell ya! I never posted pics because her hospitalization/surgery kinda took center stage. We were both ecstatic and thankful!

Then they sent her one post surgery. Opening my door today to a Disney.Store box... I about cried!

Annie sleeps with beanie baby versions of Mickey and Minnie. She loves them, and you can tell cause they are not that old and are already looking worn.

Well a few months I spotted princess beanies, but passed because they'd just get dirty.

I regretted that decision greatly!

Annie has been BEGGING for a Belle! I bought her a baby Belle, (like her baby Tiana), but they're kinda hard-not something you want to cuddle up to at night.

I searched every toys r us and Disney store where I live and in Dallas. Yes,! Poor Paul! Lol

Not one Belle! Not one! They had Tiana, but I wanted to get the set together.

So, my Mom and sis sent Annie, not one, but 2 sets of the beanie baby Belle and Tiana! One to ware out in bed and another to keep pretty and play with gently. :) They also sent a set of the large beanie baby versions of Belle and Tiana! Also, a mini Belle Barbie type doll, and a normal size Belle Barbie type doll-both with accessories!

Annie was ecstatic and I fought back tears! She kept saying, "I need to open my present," and she'd open a new box. :)

Smiles all around our house tonight! To say I'm happy my quest is over us an understatement! Lol I'm sure Paul's even happier about that than I am. :) And Annie is happily cuddled up with Minnie, Mickey, Belle and Tiana...could life get any better for her?! ;)

Thanks Nana Nell and Auntay! Y'all went above and beyond again! We love y'all are we're so thankful!

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