
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Back to Boston

We first went to Boston April 2010.
We fell head over heals in love with that town!
I could go back and count, but let me just tell you that I have posted about going back many times on this blog. We have yet to return. When you live without credit cards, you have to save for everything, and taking trips takes a back seat at times.  Add buying 2 houses in 2012, and our plan to celebrate our 5th anniversary in Boston was nixed.
I am ecstatic to announce that we are going to Boston in 2013! It's absolutely official- I booked the hotel! 2012 was a rough year for us, (post in a few weeks), and we desperately need this trip!

Our Hotel was built in 1897 and is pretty much next door to Fenway... Historical, next to Fenway and in Boston- PRICELESS!

{photos via google}
Normally waiting for a trip is depressing and time crawls. BUT this trip is so necessary that it has given me such excitement! It is so nice to have something to look forward to!
Anyone have ideas of what we should do/see? Please share them with me!!! :)
 Such a cool story with this pic. The lady that took it shared the Gospel with us. We told her we were Believers as well, and we chatted for a bit.  Then she offered to pray for us. Awesome! Right there on the steps of the Massachusetts State House, she prayed for our marriage and our impending adoption- not just for Woody and Buzz who were expected to join our home, but also any other kiddos God had in store for us. :)
I was thinking a few days ago- if Annie had grown in my tummy (and then was born at the same time of her Gotcha Day), we would have been about 3 months pregnant with her at this time! We yearned to be parents and little did we know she would be joining our home 6 months later! First trimester down, but we had no idea! The adoption waiting game is horrid! ;)
 I CANNOT wait to take Annie to her first Red Sox game! :) Here we are on our 3rd Anniversary, (yes the actual day). People gave me props for being an "awesome wife" and allowing my hubs to go to the game on our anniversary. Then I corrected them and told them how I had to force him to go- it was all my choice! I think they saw me as an even more awesome wife! ;)
Another cool factoid- this day we celebrated our third anniversary is the exact day Annie went home with her foster mom.  How cool is it that while we were impatiently waiting to be parents, God had begun the steps to get Annie home to us! Like I said, the adoption waiting game is horrid- it would be so much more pleasant if God would let us see what He has in store- such is life, right? ;)
While there, I hired a professional photographer to take our pics. WORTH EVERY PENNY! But, this year I have a professional camera and a tripod- so I will be taking our pics this year! {photos by Jaymes Leavitt Photography}
 Reason one why I wanted a professional pic. I knew I would never have the guts to ask someone to take this pic. After we left, I have been dreaming of returning to this spot and taking a pics with our backs turned to the camera- showing the backs of our jerseys... mine says Keierleber 07 and I had Annie's made a few years ago that reads Keierleber 11- the years we became Keierlebers. :)  I thought we would have to sit to get this effect, BUT since Annie can stand on her own now, we can get a pic standing. EEK! I can hardly contain my excitement!
 Reason two why I wanted a professional pic. I knew I would never have the guts to ask someone to take this pic either. I HAD to have pics of us with the cobble stone streets! I am so in love with this pic, I can't even tell you! I will be returning to Acorn street to get Annie sitting/standing on the cobble stones! :) I cannot even tell you how giddy this thought makes me! :)
Seriously, please let me know what I can't miss about Boston- we may have already done it, but I don't want to miss anything! :)

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