
Friday, December 14, 2012

The Christmas Angel

Have you heard of The Christmas Angel?
It is a breath of fresh air!
While I find the Elf on the Shelf adorable, I can't stand that it is one more way to push the attention away from Jesus- the real reason for the season!
The Christmas Angel is similar to the Elf, but with a philanthropic purpose.
Instead of finding the elf in silly situations everyday, your child will find their angel sitting next to gold glitter where she has written an idea/clue of how to bless someone that day!
It comes with a book, an angel and kit equipped with gold glitter. Purchase here.  :)
I apologize in advance to the creators of the angel. I think it is amazing, and therefore am happy to advertise it, (without being asked by y'all of course).
You see, I have decided to go rogue, and make my own angel and story. Sorry!
My cousin in law will be making an angel for me, (thanks so much!!), and I wrote a little story that I will share in a min.
Our angel will be named Emmy Kate.  I came up with that name a year ago. I at first picked it for baby number 3, then decided to make it baby number 2's middle name, (Bristol Emmy Kate).
Obviously Annie is an only child, but I still love those names.  I didn't choose Bristol because I want to save it just in case we decided to adopt again.
Emmy Kate is named after two amazing girls!
Emmy: Emma Saunders
She will be moving to Uganda to serve the orphans in January. She has been called since she was 7. Get to know her here. You'll be glad you did! I just love her!
Kate: Katie Davis
Moved to Africa, now mother of many former orphans :)  founder of Amazina Ministries and author of Kisses from Katie
These are 2 girls that love Jesus and the orphan, and I greatly look up to them! :)
Here is my story. While I am a published author, this is not publish worthy! lol I wanted to hit specific points, and in doing so I had to stretch a few rhymes. ;) Not my best work, but it will do. :)
Jesus was born to save us from sin,
So let's all celebrate and worship Him!
Christmas is the time that we should remember
to share His love all through December.
I'm angel Emmy Kate, reporting for duty!
Ready to teach and guide you, little cutie!
I was named after two girls just like you,
who live for others, glorifying God in all they do.
They live in Africa, loving all the orphans,
teaching them about the greatest gift ever given!
All through this month let's follow their lead,
and let's share God's love with those in need!
Everyday I'll share a new idea with you
of how to show His love and make dreams come true!
From the manger to the cross Jesus showed us how
to love one another- so let's start NOW!
I will bring out Emmy Kate December 2013. I need to think up things for her to encourage Annie to do. Any ideas? :) Here are a few I can start with:
1. make crafts for the VA
2. make cookies for our elderly neighbor
3. donate toys at children's hospital
4. adopt a family for Christmas
5.collect change for Salvation Army tubs
6. bring coffee to Salvation Army bell ringers
7. Buy food for the people behind us in the drive through
8. Bring flowers to a retirement home

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea! Elf on the shelf is super cute but it does shift the focus from God to Santa so I wasn't sure about doing it. Might have to use this! :)
