
Monday, January 14, 2013

Precious Jewels Giveaway

I am happy to announce that I have added earrings and bracelets to my necklaces in Precious Jewels.
See some of my most recent creations and look to the bottom of this post for information on my giveaway:

 a little out of focus- made for Emma. Based on the legend of the starfish.
 annoyingly out of focus...Mommy
  annoyingly out of focus...Sammi
Starfish jewelry I made for myself :)

I am doing a giveaway of a free necklace and earrings, (see below), to get the word out on Precious Jewels and our new bracelets and earrings.

Share the first photo on your blog, Facebook or Pinterest
Blog about the giveaway and the business of course. :)
Like my page on Facebook: (if you have already liked my page, just let me know here or on Facebook and I will count that as an entry) :)
Share about my business on Facebook.
Share this on any other social media site :)

 Leave me a comment saying you did any of these. If you do multiple, tell me and it will count as extra entries!

Giveaway ends SUNDAY January 20, will announce the winner MONDAY January 21!
The necklace and earrings...I will customize the heart once you win:


  1. Ahhh, adorable!!! I liked you on Facebook. Seriously cute, Tricia!!!

  2. I have liked you fb page (already), shared your post, and pinned on pinterest. Those are all my avenues for sharing. Enter me 3!!! Les

  3. I liked you on Facebook, pinned:, and shared on my blog:

    Love your creations!

  4. I liked your Facebook page, pinned the picture on Pinterest (penniepastor/mystyle), and Tweeted about the giveaway (PKPastor). Thanks! :)

  5. I had no idea you were making jewelry!! It is so urban chic. I love it!! I like our page on GB, plus I shared it with a great comment on Google+. Would love to pin it but don't see the pinterest. Fingers crossed I win.
