
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Veggie Tales Party: Activity

Don' forget to enter my giveaway!

As I mentioned about Annie's Veggie Tales Party, we ended up canceling it and just celebrating with the 3 of us. This was her first party where I had games and activities planned. One being:

With Pinterest as big as it is, I find it a small victory when I come up with ideas on my own. Nothing wrong with pinteresting for ideas, but I still get joy from being original. In the Wizard of Oz party and Veggie Tales party, about half was inspired by Pinterst and half (if not more) came from my imagination.
This was an original idea I came up with for an activity at her party. Obviously I needed to put Annie's hand lower on the canvas, but you get the idea. Bob and Larry! :) I was going to let each kid do a hand and foot and then I would paint on the faces. :)

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