
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Boston Nightmare

I'm beyond giddy to return to Boston in a few months!

I've made an itinerary for our trip. All from memory. I've checked it on the map and after only visiting it once, 3 years ago, I know the layout of Boston better than my new and home town! It may seem/be pathetic, but if you've been there you'll agree that while its highly populated, its a "smaller city" with a small town feel. Big reason why I fell in love!

Last night I dreamed that we were in Boston on the last day and didn't get any of my itinerary accomplished! Total nightmare! So on our last day, we were running around town trying to complete my list!

In the nightmare I didn't know where anything was and Paul had to ask for directions. We found ourselves in a church Sunday school class, and one of the ladies was a real estate agent.

I told her if she had really amazing deals, we'd be interested in buying a second home. She got her stuff together, we set off to house hunt, and I woke up.

Not knowing where we were is laughable since I know the layout pretty well, not completing the itinerary is a nightmare, but house hunting- dream come true! ;)

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