
Saturday, February 2, 2013

forget me not

A note to new parents/future parents:

Annie has been with us for almost 2.5 years. Time flies way too fast! I absolutely regret not recording more! PARENTS: RECORD EVERYTHING!

Here are a few memories that I do not want to forget!

when Annie was 1, she loved Baby by Justin Bieber, Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland, and pretty much any music, (she's got music in her veins!). She absolutely hated the black eyed peas. The second any of their songs started, she'd start crying. Even the Glee version of Time of My Life made her freak because of the black eyed peas song that featured part of that song! Well, yesterday The BEP were on the radio and she jammed! We're still not sure why she hated them, but the hatred is over! ;)

We changed the lyrics of "you are so beautiful." I would sing, "you are so beautiful to me, can't you see eee. you're everything I hoped for, you're everything I dreamed. you are so beautiful to me." Annie likes to change beautiful  to: pretty, gorgeous and once or twice, cute. :)

in the last few weeks/months Annie will carry on like this:

    me: you're so pretty
    Annie: I'm not pretty, I'm gorgeous.
    me: you're SO gorgeous!
    Annie: I'm not gorgeous, I'm       
now she likes to be silly:

    me: you farted!
    Annie: I not farted, I'm pretty!
    me: you're SO pretty!
    Annie: I'm not pretty, I farted!

moments my heart explodes:

    Annie: I love you!
    me: I love you too!
    Annie: I love you too        
    me: :).I love you too sweetheart!
    Annie: Thank you for loving me!

We love to also sing, "walk outside," (from the Brady Bunch movie), and "I love u always forever," (from the 90s). :)

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