
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Annie's Art Gallery

I made my first photo gallery for my mom in 2011. I loved it so much, I made one for myself at our old house. :)

The first thing I did in this house was put up my photo gallery. Then I put up the largest photo gallery to date in our room-a Boston collage!

I've posted some pictures of these galleries on this blog, but not many, and they were all phone pics. One day I'll post them all from my camera so you can see them better. One day, you know, when we have internet again. Lol

I just put up this art gallery for Annie. Right now, it is my smallest gallery, but it will grow with her, so one day it will be the largest. :)

It's amazing how nice these little paintings look when framed! I can't wait to see Annie's art evolve! :)

Note: I usually don't leave so much blank space, but as I said, this will grow with Annie so eventually it will be rearranged and the blank spaces will be gone. Also, there are 3 frames that are empty,  and 3 frames that need to be painted, (black and gold).

(art from November 2011 to June 2013... Ages almost 2-3.5).

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I really like the "Act Justly, love mercy, walk humbly" one!
