
Friday, June 14, 2013

Halfy Horsey Birthday: 3.5

Being an only child has its perks. One being you get to celebrate your half birthdays!
She's been into horseys lately...princesses have horses, princes ride horses and she loves riding the carousel at the mall. So instead of going all out with décor and such, I decided to just buy her the few horses I had been eyeing for her and let them double as décor. Easy peasy party.
 She woke up absolutely thrilled to take a bath. Could have ended the day right then and she would have had a fantastic day! lol
 She LOVES riding the carousel! (you should see her wheeling over to it, as fast as her arms can move, and you should hear her!) But this day she decided to be a three and a half year old and be fussy, you know, for posterity's sake. :/
 Fussiness over and having fun!

 Best pic of the ride...Wish she was smiling, but I'll take it!
 After lunch I let her ride it is her half birthday after all! ;)

 I picked this theme/planned this party last minute. So, you can imagine my excitement when I found that super cute horsey shirt...and it was on sale! win win!
 She named the large horse Carousel, (not very creative, BUT super cute when you think about it...very feminine, sweet name!).  The other 3 are birthstone princess ponies from Toys R Us.  I got 3 for Annie's 3 special days... her birthday, her gotcha day and her adoption day!
 She's a lover I tell encouragement on my end, she just had to hug her horsey!

 I wish I could stop time, if only for a little while...

 Her foot as a horse head and her hands as the grass, (inspired by 2 different pins on pinterest). Not in love with the way the mane turned out, but whatev.

 I've never shown her how to hold a baby like this. She just picked up Penny, (name she came with), and held her like this! She is such a lover!
What did I tell ya?!

 Just stop it! Such a big girl smile! I refuse to believe in six months she'll be 4, and that in a year and a half she'll be 5! *sigh*

 THE FOOD: Well, I had a menu planned, but we were tired so we got pizza and ate the desert. I had planned...
Cheese burgers cut in HALF
Apples cut in HALF
Baby carrots (Cracker Barrel recipe)
(what horse doesn't love apples and carrots?!) ;)
For dessert:
dirt cake
HALF of a birthday cake ;)

Singing...notice her hand? She was singing to herself. :) 

 note: fondant looked perfect before the candle was put displaced the fondant, especially on the side...

 She wanted to blow out her candle again :)
Cake eating progression pics... trust me, you'll like them:

 *oh my goodness this is so good, I love cake* face
 Dancing to the beat of my camera shutter...seriously, she's got the music in her!
and this last one because I find it too cute!
Attempting these cute videos...hopefully they work lol

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