
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Third Gotchaversary

3 years ago today, God answered my prayers, and my dreams came true!
You don't have to search too hard on this blog to see how deeply I yearned to be a mommy. This blog is full of posts, for years, of me crying about that heartache.
3 days are very special to us in regards to Carousel: her birthday, her Gotcha day, and her Adoption day. We will always celebrate all 3. :) Life is good for Carousel. ;)
Three years ago today: October 29, 2010
 "The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing..."
 Sweet baby Carousel- a month and a half shy of being a one year old.

 Her "Mean Eyes" date back as far as August 2010. :)

My precious dream come true!

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