
Friday, December 6, 2013

Late Night Snow Fight

*this posted on Friday, but I am writing it Thursday night...just in case there is some confusion in my tenses*
We knew it would snow/freeze on Thursday all week. Unfortunately it did not snow as much as I would have liked/they predicted. BUT as I type it is sleeting again, so here's hoping for a lot of precipitation tonight! ;) Lord willing, I may be able to get a (Friday) morning shoot of Carousel in the snow. :)
Today there was a small buildup, but after last week, it wasn't worth getting her out in it.
Around 10:30 PM I took the pups* outside and noticed there was a fresh layer of snow on top of the other, harder, layer from earlier! I grabbed Annie some warm clothes and let her play in it. :)
1. I love snow
2. You never know when it will snow again
3. Annie loves snow
4. SOYO (she's only young once)- times goes by way too fast- make memories while you can!
5. We're not promised tomorrow, so enjoy!
 LOVE this! So bummed I cut off the baby snowman on her shirt- it is a family of 3, so technically I cut off Carousel. lol Notice the 3 horizontal lines above and to the left of "Annie?" Carousel drew those while I was writing her name. :)
 I'd say this pic proves that this was all worth it. PRICELESS!

After allowing her to get frost bite play in the snow, I brought her in to take a bath- read: hot tub! lol Jersey decided he wanted to join and jumped in with us! If we were taking a bath for the sake of cleanliness, I would not have allowed it, but we were just warming up so no prob.

*And yes, you read that right, I said pupS. The SWEETEST long haired Chihuahua came to our house on Wednesday and we are keeping her until she can find a home. Anyone want a sweet, sweet, dog?  We are in love and would take her if we didn't have Jersey. :)

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