
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We had an epic Thanksgiving!
It was just the 3 of us! This is the first year that we did not travel to visit family and it was marvelous.
Visiting family is fun and all, but it was nice to just do what we wanted to do.
For instance, I detest Thanksgiving food. All of it. Tex is not the biggest fan either so we went out for lunch and ate steak. :) We went all the way to Lubbock. We ate, drove around the Texas Tech campus, (Tex's alma mater), and we saw Frozen.
I had my doubts about Frozen. From previews, etc, it made it seem the storyline was a certain way. It did not seem appealing. Well, it was so different and so FANSTASTIC. One of the greatest Disney movies of all time, I'd say! Everything about it was amazing- hold on to your seats for the music! Wow! I listen to the soundtrack on repeat now! Oh, there is a short shown at the beginning. It stars Mickey Mouse. He is voiced by none other than Walt Disney, himself!
You MUST see this movie. Like NOW.
We did a quick photoshoot before we left.
This outfit I purchased on clearance after Carousel's first thanksgiving. (I am such a sap and totally cried when I saw it. We are so beyond thankful for her and I had to have it for her. I am so glad she has been able to wear it for 3 years.) She was able to wear it in 2011, 2012, and now in 2013:

2011, almost 2:

 Yeah, we wore matching turkey outfits that year that I made- and it was awesome! ;)
 No idea why I couldn't get her to smile, but I saved it for posterity. :) Oh and this was about 5 months after having her head completely shaved, (totally bald), so that is why her hair is so short. Just compare it to her awesome fro this year and see the difference a year can make! :)
While in Lubbock we drove past a pond filled with Canadian Geese, (and of course a handful of other duckies/geese). The pond was FILLED. Unfortunately, the ducks in the area trusted us and came up to us, but the Canadians were nervous and swam away when we approached.  Look way in the background and you'll get an IDEA of how many there were. An idea- there were tons and the pics do NO justice.

 I love this pic! lol She could hear all the ducks/geese approaching and was a wee bit nervous. ha!

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