
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Difference a Year Makes

November 20, 2012, (so technically a year and a week ago), our lives changed forever.
Carousel got her walker and braces and took her first steps the second she put them on.
Full miraculous recap here.
To commemorate this tremendous occasion, we did an impromptu family photoshoot. See all the pictures here.
Carousel took her first steps that day, but they were very labored and slow. Now she walks with ease and can walk forever. She is about to move from her walker to her crutches, (and I have been told she will fly with them- look out world! lol).
She started gymnastics and dance thanks to her walker/braces...
At her old gym:
 Standing at the parallel bars (hard to see because of the distance of my phone)
 Walking on the balance beam :)
At her old dance studio:
 She loves telling people that she taps her feet at dance class. :)
At her new gym:
 We just started at her new gym, (and have missed the last three weeks- illness, out of town, ICE). We started taking off her braces in gymnastics because the hold her back more than help her. Her specialty is the bars. Look at that strength! She also does forward rolls all by herself! We're excited to see where she'll go with gymnastics- there are many special needs competitions and I think she could win them all! ;)
In the short time she has been there, she is learning so much more at her new gym/dance studio than she did at her other places.
We have decided to be brace free (or at least only wear AFOs instead of HKAFOs) for gymnastics, braces for tap and wheelchair for ballet.
Her life certainly changed a year ago, and I wish y'all could all be flies on the wall to see her walk, dance, etc. I try to video but y'all know how kids are...they perform until the camera comes out. lol

1 comment:

  1. Oh Wow! This post brought tears to my eyes. God has been so good to you all! I lo♥e your new header with her prayer pic!
