
Monday, June 14, 2010

Bad Blogger but Big News


Ever since we began this process, I wanted to make a ticker, but couldn't cause we had no idea when they would come home. Well, after our home study it takes about 2 weeks to finalize everything- SO in less than 4 weeks, (Lord willing), our boys will be home! ♥

This weekend, we didn't do too much, though it sure felt like we did. Ya know that feeling??

Sorry for my lack of posting. Last week was uneventful, and this weekend I didn't turn on the computer once!

BUT good things come to those who wait, right?? Well BIG NEWS!!! One week from today...

we have our home study!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the last step in the process!! Wahoo!! This week will consist of cleaning and inspections to get ready for our home study! Pray it all goes well, and QUICKLY after the home study! ;)

On Saturday, I had a wedding shower for my cousin. I wasn't going to be able to attend her wedding in July- but after wrestling with all the possibilities, I WILL be going after all! I am so excited!!
I had bought this dress for Boston but never wore it. I was going to wear it on Mother's day but did not. Since I wasn't gong to go to the wedding, I wore it to the shower. Darn, now I need a new dress for the wedding! lol {I need to teach Mr. Incredible how to CENTER pics} ;)
I NEVER spend money on clothes. The majority of my closet is years old. Hence why this dress in being featured on this blog. It was about $50 which I NEVER spend on clothes- $25 is like my absolute max, (and at that price I have to be IN LOVE with it in order to buy it)! But I really liked it a lot, so I splurged!

Growing up, when getting ready for a date, I would do my hair, make up, nails, put on perfume, etc- none of which was ever "noticed," ya know?! Well, I did the same for the shower, and Mr. Incredible LOVED that my toes were painted! Hey, he noticed!! :) Since he actually noticed and liked it, I will be doing it more often! :) The little things right? :)


  1. 4 weeks- Yowsers!!!! Soooo very excited for you :) the countdown begins. That dress is yummy- love the color. It looks maaaahvelous on you, so don't worry about the price too much although I hear you- I just had to get shoes for work. I knew I needed a quality, supportive pair, but man oh man the price tag!
