
Monday, August 30, 2010

Sweetpea's Surprise

I love that Mr. Incredible has every other Friday off. That is one of my excuses for not posting since Thursday. Excuse two, two words: Play room. Excuse three, I have been helping my BFF decorate her nursery! She is so close to adopting!! :)

No news really on our adoption side. Please keep praying, and thank you for all the prayers already!!

As I was walking into church on Sunday morning, I got a call from Sweetpea Beauty's foster mom. She asked if I would like for Sweetpea to come to church with me. UM, YEAH!! So, Sunday morning I got to show off my, (Lord willing), daughter to be to my church family. :)One of the youth snapped this with her phone. I would love to have left it plain, but I can't show her face, so I had to do art work to it. If you look, you can see she is touching my face and she is looking up at me. Love this picture, (before artwork of course). :) {oh and had I known I would be photographed with her, I would have worn my hair down and some makeup! That's what I get for working on candyland art till 2 AM!}

Now you all know that I am not making her up! lol Please keep praying!! Off to work more on the playroom! Look for completed Candyland Playroom pics this week! :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Daddy's Princess

All went well today, Praise the Lord! Thank you all for praying!

Here is what happened today:

- her laywer gave us the thumbs up and called her CPS caseworker

- she called me and was thrilled we were in love with Sweetpea Beauty {huge to have CPS on our side}

Now we wait to hear from our agency to see what they have to say. I think it will all happen at the end of September at the latest. Obviously we are praying for much much sooner!

So, Mr. Incredible got to meet his little girl today. I held her most of the time. She is the happiest, easiest baby I have ever held! She made a "cry" face twice when I wasn't holding her so I took her and she immediately stopped and smiled. Not cause it was me necessarily, (as much as I'd like to pretend she knows I am her mommy, I know she does not lol), but because I know babies. When Mr. Incredible spent his teen/college years learning the ends and outs of an engine, etc, I spent that time around babies and kids. He'll catch on quickly, he is named Mr. Incredible after all. ;)

Funny story: we were there for a good 2 hours and Mr. Incredible had not eaten breakfast or lunch so he was famished to say the least. He kept mouthing, "I'm starving." But of course I wasn't ready to leave. Then she needed to be fed. Um, that's my job thank you very much, so we stayed to feed her. Then I said, "do you want to hold her once more before we leave?" Of course he wanted to! About 2-3 times in the next 30 minutes or so Mr. Incredible would again mouth taht he was hungry, and I would reply that we could leave, but we never did. He just did not want to let her go. SO sweet! She already has him wrapped around her finger!

Keep praying please! Pray that we get news SOON!!! Pray that everything goes smoothly and that she can be in our home ASAP!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sweetpea Beauty

I met my daughter yesterday.

No, really, I did.

{Mom, I called you to tell you about her, but you didn't answer, so sorry you have to find out here!}

I said she would be called Briar Rose on this blog, but I have changed my mind to Sweetpea Beauty. You know like Sleeping Beauty, but Veggie
fied. The newest Veggie Tales is a princess one and it stars Sweetpea Beauty. Since her name on the blog was to be derived from Disney's Sleeping Beauty anyway, I figured Sweetpea Beauty was the best of both worlds: Disney and Veggie Tales! :)

I am requesting HUGE prayers for tomorrow. Mr. Incredible gets to meet her for the first time, and we will both be meeting with her lawyer. Her lawyer really loves her, (which is amazing), so he wants to see how we are with her before he gives us the ok. I have an idea of what will happen next, but I am not 100%, but I will know more tomorrow at our meeting.

Sweetpea Beauty is just perfect for us. She is so beautiful and she is such a happy baby! Yes, BABY! Almost 9 months old. I can't post pictures yet, but when she is 7 years old, she will probably look a lot like her future name sake:
Ok, get the hint? ;) Please pray for our Sweetpea and pray that all goes well tomorrow! Eek! We are already over the moon! :)

What else can I do, but begin shopping for her? ;) I have been shopping for her stroller, car seat, etc. At the mall I about fell over when I saw these items at Janie and Jack:$PRODDETAIL$$PRODDETAIL$$PRODDETAIL$
I wish they made adult sizes cause I am so in love! Now, they are a little pricey, but what do you know, they are on sale right now! My thinking is this: Get the dress, Jacket, and Leggings now, and buy the skirt in the size she'll be next summer. Ok, so what I REALLY want to do is buy all of these in every size they have so she can grow with them! She won't wear all these items together of course-just a few good mix and match leopard staples! You know: dress with colored leggings, skirt with different color shirt and leggings- or sans leggings, etc etc. The list is endless. This is when I wish you could buy baby clothes like you do for adults. You plan to take good care of it so you can still have it years later. What to do, what to do? hmm...

PLEASE PRAY for our little Annie, our Sweetpea Beauty! I'll be keeping you posted! ♥

Monday, August 23, 2010

Candy and Cardboard

Be sure to check out my post below from earlier today. I am quite proud of it. :) I am not feeling well, so I am up late. I usually refuse to post twice in one day, but seeing as there is not much else to do...

Here are a few more art projects I have made for the new playroom:

These first two projects I had two old frames and used the backs to make:
Candyland artwork! I LOVE the papers around the CL boxes!

I had an extra canvas laying around, so I threw on some cute paper and letters, and voila!
I didn't make this today, Mr. Incredible made this awhile back. I HAD to keep it, but it needed to be candylanded. ;)
This I bought at a store, but it too needed to be candylanded today. :)

After my success with my Cardboard Cross, I decided to try some more cardboard creations:
Leftover cardboard from a poster...
Yummy! and free! Can't beat that!! {yes, I did have to buy the papers- which I did last week, but this saved me from having to spend $ at HL for a canvas}

Cardboard project #2:The cardboard from the bottom of our water bottle "box." See the circles? ;)
I printed out some pics of candy with cute black boarders, but then I decided to use this cardboard, so I had to improvise...
When making patterns make sure to storyboard your idea first!
TADA! I feel the white is too white, but no other color would work... too much color already ya know? Still think it turned out pretty cute!

Cardboard project #3:
Hmm, what could this box be used for?
I cut it out to be the background for these super cute cupcake papers!

I am pretty sure all the wall art is done in this room. I have a special piece which I am actually paying for {gasp} which I will order soon. I will unveil that once I finish the room. :) I am so excited for this piece!!

On the agenda tomorrow, (if I feel up to it), repaint the playroom! Goodbye orange and teal, hello neutral tan! :)

Candy Dots

I am in full playroom makeover mode. I have been searching online for cute candyland ideas, and found this:It is a Candy Dot bench which can be purchased from here for a mere $1200. Let me grab my checkbook. Yeah right!
One thing that bench is missing is the green dots. I love how the color blend together. $1,200 is a bit much, but it sure did inspire me:
First gather supplies. Loved the paint colors, but it would have taken so many coats and minutes to paint each ball, so I scratched that idea and went with spray paint.
After a good 3 hours, I was FINALLY done! Exhausting making 63 halves!!
I made this for the original bird room... all I needed to do was scrape off the paint...
Ok, so scraping didn't fully get off all the paint...
I grabbed my nail polish remover, and it almost did the trick...
I then ran to my paint box and luckily I had a perfect match for the white!!!
I officially love spray paint. It would have taken me FOREVER to paint all 63 dots!! This took no longer than 5 minutes to paint. I'd say it probably took like only 3 minutes really. Since it was spray paint, I couldn't get the EXACT colors I wanted, but I think the end result still turned out nicely...
TADA!!! I'm in love.
It turned out so much better than I expected! :)
EEK! Makes me so happy! :)
I wasn't sure I could do the famous Candy Dot blended look, but I think I pulled it off quite nicely if I do say so myself! :)

This project took me about 5 hours, 4.5 of it was prep work.

If I didn't have to get rid of the birds it would have saved me and hour and a half. So it takes about 3 hours to cut all the styrofoam balls.

Total cost:

$25 for styrofoam balls
$14 for spray paint
$50 at Target for the cube storage, (I am going off memory, I believe that is what they cost).

***please excuse the mess in the playroom, I am reorganizing, repainting, and redecorating. It will be disheveled for awhile.***

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thanks for Asking!

4 years ago today...

My fingers look weird of course, but this was my ring. 2.1 karat diamond, with 3/4 karat pink sapphire side stones. I am quite proud of this ring, a little too proud actually, which is one of the reasons we got rid of it. Click here to see why.

Friday, August 20, 2010

In the Jungle, The Mighty Jungle

First of all...

Happy THIRTIETH birthday to my very best friend in the whole wide world! THIRTY years ago today, my THIRTY year old husband was born! I am so happy and grateful that THRITY years ago today, God chose Mr. Incredible to be born! He is such a blessing to our family! He is strong- spiritually and physically, passionate, loves us deeply, hardworking, and is THIRTY years old. Mr. Incredible, even though you are THIRTY, people still ask us if we are high schoolers. I guess that is a good thing! Ha! You may be THIRTY but apparently you look 18! I love you old man!! I love you more than you will ever comprehend!!

{I know 30 is not old. Most of my friends are in their 30s. I get to pick on him because 1. it is my duty as his wife to pick on him about this, especially considering I am only 24, and 2. all those said friends always say that I am a baby since I am so young, so I have to get my revenge the only way I can} ;)

Cool piece of Keierleber trivia: When Mr. Incredible was 6 years old, he trusted Christ as his Savior. That same year, I was born. Coincidence? Of course not!! :) I was created just for him! Thanks God for that one! :)

Now the moment you have all been waiting for, I give you The Safari Room:
I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait to tuck in our little girl one day!
So nice and symmetrical. Mr. Incredible took off the door, so when he puts it back on, it will cover up the right canvas. :/
I still love my cardboard cross! :)
I almost forgot a shot of the floor- Bolt decided he needed to be in the pic too. :)

Back to the beginning. When I first began the redo, I took pics as a how-to, but never posted them. Here ya go:
Yes, there are 3 diff colors on my walls. I painted 2 walls a light tan and left 2 the original color- with plans on painting them a diff color all together, (ie pink, blue, etc). You can imagine my frustration after all the hard work that it was barely darker than the original color, (the left wall is slightly darker than the other one). SO, I decided to just get a darker tan and paint over both walls. MUCH BETTER! It took me about 2.5 hours to paint the whole room. That includes the prep work, (taking off socket covers), and climbing up and down the ladder during painting- that is why it is nice to have a friend- would have sliced my time in half!

How-to decoupage:
First cut all the papers you want to use, and gather materials.
Do you remember this shelf I made a year ago for the original bird room? I left it just as it was, but I decoupaged over the birds. Continue the patchwork pattern, and...
Voila, brand new look! There was too much white so I added a little red glitter to break it up.
This turned out so much better than I had imagined it.

Very important tip: always keep a helper near at hand. ;)

The shelf turned out so cute, that I decided to use my left over paper and decoupage the green cube shelf.

My favorite brush for decoupaging!
Here is a little how-to patchwork... Where to put the cheetah?
In my head I thought it would go nicely here, but see how close it is the all the other cheetahs?
Ahhh, much better! What goes next to it, (and on top of the zebra a bit)? The giraffe print of course. :)
The finished product. I liked it even more than the shelf!!
Mr. Incredible was putting together the red/pink IKEA nightstand,and look where Bolt decided to sit. RIGHT IN THE WAY! HA!
A dear friend gave me some hand-me-downs. ♥ These are more of the hangers I got from Target- 2/$1!

Now I am off to work on the playroom... What I am working on right now may be the COOLEST thing I have ever made- IF it works out the way I am picturing it of course. HA! We shall see!