
Monday, November 25, 2013

Children's Art Gallery

If you missed yesterday's post, be sure to check it out- full of fun pics of Carousel. :)
I put this up months ago, maybe even a year ago. :) I added a few frames today to finish it out. :)
It is very hard to not fill all the frames NOW, but I want to have this be her best pieces of art over the years- not just today. :) The blue crowns are where future pieces will go:
Seriously y'all, how sweet is this?! It makes me so happy every time I see it!

Before I get to Carousel's artwork, I have to show you the piece I made last night. Though I made it, it still goes in her art gallery because it is of her:
 I took a picture of Carousel's heartbeat at her last hospitalization. While I was taking it, she laughed- that is why is goes crazy in the middle. How awesome is that?! :) Last night I transferred onto the canvas. :) Notice the fabric in the background? It was from a dress that I loved that she wore within weeks of when I took the picture of her heartbeat. :) If I ever get a tattoo, this is what I would get! I recently had this made into a necklace and when I get it I will share it here on the blog. :)
I had to share this here. This one piece has gone viral on Pinterest. It shocks me every time I see it randomly as I am scrolling. :) As you can see, it is now framed. What was precious before is now a really pretty piece of artwork. :)
The next three are paintings Carousel did herself. Notice how the frames make them look so fancy. ;)
 I love this one because it was the first time she really painted with purpose. She took care with each stroke and color choice. (and the pink glob at the bottom? She was painting A for Annie- she painted this around age 3). My favorite part? She requested gold paint, took her brush, meticulously added the few dots of gold and she was done.  You could see she was purposefully painting, and it made/makes me so happy. :)
 This one was from last February. I love how she was intentional with her dots, circles, the flower and of course her "M for Mommy."

This one is from last January. I just like that it looks like a peacock. This one was on accident of course, but I still love it. :)
Toddler scribbles made into a flower :)

 I made this over a year ago, maybe two. I have seen this all over Pinterest, and can't link the original genius who came up with this idea because there are so many different variations. Sorry original genius!

 This was Carousel's first time finger painting. I got this flower frame from Hobby Lobby and it was the perfect way to display the otherwise boring finger painting. :)

This was Carousel's first time painting with a paintbrush :)

 Not my favorite, but it is my hubby's favorite :) See how the frame makes it so much fancier? :)

 Once again, the frame adds so much :)

Certainly not my favorite, (the mane did not turn out the way I planned).  But I love that it showcases her sweet 3 1/2 year old hands and foot. :)
Oh and for your enjoyment:
My craft room is in my breakfast nook. Not the easiest to keep clean. Then add in the fact that a few of those drawers you see are BUSTED. I am in the middle of reorganizing since I lost a few drawers. :/
womp womp womp

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you have an artist in the making! She's following after her mama's footsteps! :-)
